Dear Beau,

I cut your hair today. All your golden curls are now gone, and you look more like a little boy than ever. The only thing holding you back in babyhood world, are your gorgeous chubby cheeks. Those seem to be diminishing ever so slightly too. Your neck is getting longer, your mouth is getting full of teeth. Each day you learn a new word. As I sat and looked at your sleeping face today, lost in dreams of mama's warm milk, I missed seeing your beautiful curls on my arm. I did not want to cut them, but your father has mentioned it so many times, I thought it might be a good idea. Looking at the ratted mess on the back of your head this morning sealed the deal, and I got the clippers out. Now I'm cursing myself for ushering you into boyhood a bit too soon, just by clipping your hair. Watching you and Drew grow up is such a bittersweet thing. I wish I could keep you young forever, but I am excited to see what the future brings for each of you. What kind of things will you be passionate about? Who will you emulate? What will you look like? What will you become? Who will you marry?

I love you both so much. You have brought such light into my life.
I hope you saved a few of those precious locks. :)
He looks so handsome. Our time is coming too..not so much curls anymore but like you said a big ratted mess. It'll be a bittersweet day around here too when that happens.
No more curls? But I liked the curls. He looks like a little man, now. Still cute though.
I've never written a letter to my children on the blog yet. I think I'll do that soon, I really enjoyed this post.
Ah, he's such a sweetie boy, love those cheeks. His haircut looks good! I want to cry every time I think about cutting Pearl's, even though she's getting scraggily in back and could use it...
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