Zippity ZOO Da
Sorry for the barrage of zoo pics, that is where we took the majority of our pictures, for obvious reasons. The kids really had a blast there. It was fun to see their little minds absorbing all the new sensory information. One of the neatest things about this trip is that I know that both of my kids, Drew in particular, are smarter from all the new experiences they've had.

Drew, Hannah and Mom, and yes, we really were that close to the rhino, and that is all that was separating us from it. However someone did point out that "I don't think a rhino is going to JUMP over that."

Although, this picture does kind of look like she's getting ready to charge. (I assume it was a female, I really don't know...and I wasn't trying to find out. Hee hee)

Beau, totally conked out from all the running around.

Hannah and Drew on the train. I don't know if you can tell be the look on his face, but he is super excited to be on this thing.
The minute he saw he didn't stop talking about it until he got to ride on it. Later his daddy asked him what his favorite thing about the trip was, and he said, "I don't know...uh..the train. I go on a train!"
Momma and the Beau. There is actually some exotic bird in this picture too, but it is being blocked by my head.
The second of two carousel rides we took on the trip. The first one, was Drew's first carousel ride ever and I had the most fun, and such a "mommy moment" watching his face transform as we rode. At first he was just in awe of the thing, trying to decide if it was okay to smile or not, then he let the smile come out, and it was pure joy on his face. I couldn't contain myself, and started to cry...truth be told, there are tears in my eyes as I'm telling you right now. It was just one of those things... I know my explanation doesn't do it justice...but anyways...had to share.

"I like to move it, move it! I like to move it, move it. You like to? MOVE IT!" (Only those who have watched Madagascar will know what I'm talking about)
Auntie Hannah and the Beau...she doesn't look at all like me does she? This could totally be me, just with red four or five months ago...
Some lovely macaws (I think.) This was one of the times, actually this whole day at the zoo, I really wished I had my Nikon. It would have totally been worth lugging it around. It doesn't fit in my purse, but I had my camera out most of the time anyways, so it wouldn't have made a difference....but alas...the Kodak did just fine.

Drew, Hannah and Mom, and yes, we really were that close to the rhino, and that is all that was separating us from it. However someone did point out that "I don't think a rhino is going to JUMP over that."

Although, this picture does kind of look like she's getting ready to charge. (I assume it was a female, I really don't know...and I wasn't trying to find out. Hee hee)

Beau, totally conked out from all the running around.

Hannah and Drew on the train. I don't know if you can tell be the look on his face, but he is super excited to be on this thing.

"I like to move it, move it! I like to move it, move it. You like to? MOVE IT!" (Only those who have watched Madagascar will know what I'm talking about)

your pictures are awesome! zoos are one of my most favoritist things to see. i always try to go to them when we visit different cities.
i think your story of you and beau was just beautiful!
Beautiful pics girly.
Looks like a fun time - so sweet about Drew and the carousel (and the train too).
I love that your kids give the camera a kind of blank stare. That's how mine look at me in real life. HA!
Cute pictures.
me thinks I recognize that zoo! though I haven't been to many, so maybe they all look similar.
The zoo is such a great time with little kids. Glad you all enjoyed it.
What great pictures. I swear, I felt like I was there, lol.
I love the zoo, there is a big one down in P-town that we get over to a lot in summertime (concerts there too for grownups, YEA!)
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