Kev and I had a fabulous sixth anniversary. We left the boys with Papa and Gramma Summer, and went snowboarding for the day. Seeing that neither of us have been working out for the last, well, six years, we were a little beat at the end of the day, but

we had a lot of fun none the less and really enjoyed our time alone together. I realized that I felt like a teenager again, following my hubby through the trees and gliding through the powder together. I also noticed that my hubby was trying to impress me flying off jumps and speeding past me. After sore calves and bruised ankles and feet (from ill-fitting boots, new ones next year!), we decided to call it a day for the boarding.

Then we headed off to one of our favorite restaurants, Juicy Lucy's. BEST.STEAKS.IN.THE.WORLD. We had the window seat and had fun watching various people walk by, and at one point were making faces at two little girls, who started it, of course!

Then we headed off to the Hot Springs Pool, to meet Gramma and Papa with the boys. A perfect cap to our perfect day. And since we were so exhausted, coupled with the soak in the pool, we slept rather nicely that night. Mmmmmmm. Good Day!
happy anniversary!! and snow? what is snow?
it was 74 degrees today...
I know where you wen-ent!
Hubby and I stayed at the Hot Springs Hotel one year a while back for our anniversary. It was in Aug. No snow. Sounds like you had a blast!
I like the drive up that way. Along the highway, about half way on the west side of the highway, you can look off into a field and see a great big German Halftrack vehicle from WWII. Everytime, hubby wanted to stop, jump the fence and go take a peek.
SNOWboarding is fun! We don't do enough of it here (Mt. Hood over in OR has some good runs)
What a great day! And how is it that you can look so good after a day out in the snow? I always look like I was hit by an 18 wheeler after I've been skiing! :P
Happy Anniversary! How neat that you went snowboarding:)
Great pictures too! How long does one's arm have to be to get such great shots?
Little Miss-I'm jealous of your warm weather..
Emmersjennybee- I have always noticed the German Halftrack vehicle too, though I didn't know what it was- How funny!
What a nice anniversary date! Boy just a little time alone does wonders, huh?
Great pictures!
Enjoy your break.
Sounds like fun! Happy anniversary!
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