Dear Beau,

I think I've already told your birth story, it was basically my first entry on this blog, but here it is:
"Okay, so here goes my first blog.
First I'm going to put down my sleeping infant son, so I can type better.
Anyways, so lets start by talking about the insanity of my life at this point in time. It all started a little over a month ago, when I was two weeks overdue with my second son. I don't understand what happened- my first son was only four days late and came out all on his own. They had to induce me to get the second out. And let me just say that the second labor, though a lot shorter than the first, was lot more intense and hurt a lot more. I must have scared every yet to deliver mother on the floor, because you could hear me yelling all the way down the hall!
Funny story: During this whole ordeal- I was in the jacuzzi ( for pain management) when the contractions hit really hard and I started to basically yell to help myself deal with the pain. My sister was down the hall and looked at my mom and said, "Is that Sarah?" My mom listened closer and confirmed that yes it was me. She also happened to catch a maintenance man who was outside the jacuzzi door, he commented and said, "Sounds like someone's having some fun in there, " and my mom looked at him and said, "No, someone had some fun."
Anyways, my son came out in fine form, is perfectly healthy and kind of a chunk. He gained 2 pounds in the first two weeks!"
So that is my glimpse into the past and here's me glimpsing at my newborn with my grandma. I can't believe how much you've changed. You weren't ever that small, were you ? And you still like sleeping next to mommy best. Momma likes it when you sleep next her too, even if she is wearing dorky glasses.

Happy Birthday!!
What a sweet post. Happy Birthday, big guy. I love the pictures, especially the sleeping one. I SO recognize that coma like slummber, LOL!!
happy birthday to your sweet little guy!
Love that new photo! The baby just woke up so can't finish reading but will be back! I know I'll be pretty sad when he turns 1. There is something about not HAVING to count their age in months anymore.
I love the pictures of both you and K hiking with the kids. They turned out great and it looks like you had fun. I can't believe he is already a year old and looking so cute!
Happy Birthday to your little one.
Let'me give you props first for doing such a great job getting the little man into this world a year ago!! Good work MAMA!! :)
And of course...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
I think all Mamas have that little twinge of joy mixed with sadness with the first birthday comes and passes. Its like that first stich pops off the apron string. :)
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