Thursday, April 13, 2006

I Survived Week One

Well. I survived my first week of teaching! I think, by all comparisons to various teachers first weeks of teaching, mine went incredibly well. The students seemed to respond to me well for the most part. We didn't have any major behavioral issues, and I am learning quickly enough what is okay and not okay in the classroom and how to control the atmosphere in there. I can honestly say I really wish I had some teaching classes under my belt, like teaching techniques, and commanding your students respect and so on...but alas it is not to be at this point. At least I'm a quick learner. (I think.)
It was hard being away from my hubby for three days, (especially after being away for 11 days a week earlier!) and it was hard not to come home to my own little space if you know what I mean. I think I must be officially grown up now that my old home doesn't feel as much like home than my own house now...if that actually made any sense. It's just difficult to acclimate yourself and two infant children to a room in a house that serves as a guest room, and and office and a staging room of sorts, but anyways.
It has yet to be decided if I will go back next week. I suppose we will be "playing it by ear" for the whole month, as all of this rests on my mom's health/energy levels and so forth. So far, she is responding rather well to the medicine, Praise God! She is just VERY tired. I don't know about you, but I'd rather be tired than feel like I have the flu, so I'm thankful. Her dosage is upped this Friday, so pray that she doesn't acquire any side affects with the additional milligrams (or whatever they are.)
On the flip side, I'm kind of excited about some of my students and the projects we are doing. (See, I'm already calling them "MY" students.) My seventh graders consist of seven boys, and they are the funnest class. We are going to do a short clay-mation film. They are really jazzed about it, and just buzzing with ideas. So I'm really excited about that. I have to admit, I wanna stick around just to see that come to completion. If I do keep teaching them all, I will be taking a more hands-on approach and starting my own projects with them. It's much easier to teach them something that I've come up with, rather than trying to finish something my mom started with them.
Well, I wont bore you with any more of this drizzle. This was kind of a diarrhea of the mouth post for me, but it feels good to just let it all out.


Blogger Becky Behrens said...

Diarrhea of the mouth? Too Funny. I rather enjoyed your post sounds like you have some great ideas for your students.

8:37 AM  
Blogger PC said...

It sounds like you are having a blast teaching and it sounds like you are doing quite well at it too! Keep up the good work!

Your mom is definitely in our prayers!

7:43 AM  
Blogger Danielle said...

Congrats on your first week! Getting started is the hardest part and I can only imagine the unique challenges you face when all your students are armed with messy art supplies!

8:10 AM  
Blogger Mise en Place said...

SO glad you survived it! You are a GOOD woman!!

Happy Easter!

7:03 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Flinger said...

Glad it went well. You know, all that stuff teachers learn in school goes out the window the minute you step into a classroom. Trust me. :-)

You are obviously a natural. OF COURSE they love you. :-)

10:43 PM  
Blogger Rebecca said...

I had to start teaching jr high in the middle of the term as well. The thing that really got me through it was Wong's book, The First Days of School. It was such a life saver! Sounds like you're having fun with it. Good luck!

1:51 AM  
Blogger Rebecca said...

Oh sorry! I read out of order. I hope your mom and grandmother are feeling better very soon.

1:55 AM  

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