More Spring Break Shots
Alright. Here are the last of the spring break pictures.
Beau asleep on the way down there. Just had to catch him with his arm around his hairy ball.
The boys at the start of the Science museum. I think Drew would have slept the entire time if we had let him. He fell asleep in the car and we transferred him to the stroller, then walked down the street past a construction zone where they were using a jack-hammer, ordered lunch, endured loud children, and he slept through it all. And no, the jack-hammer part is NOT and exaggeration. We woke him up, because this was mainly for his enjoyment, and I'm glad we did. He had a ball there and started crying when we had to leave.
They had an exhibit on robots, with a robot hall of fame. So Drew and I had to pose next to C-3PO, naturally. I was a little bummed they didn't have R2-D2 though...
And here's Drew's best smile outside of the museum on a picturesque rock we found. He is way more excited about the dinosaur egg that I bought him, which is what is in his hands.

OKAY!! Im not ignoring you! It took me a bit to catch up on your blog. Of course the week Im out you are a posting crazy woman..hehe.
CUTE pics! Looks like Drew got his Darf Bader fix. I saw C3-PO right off the bat. ~giggles~
What fun?!
Thank you for the well's good to have blogger peeps!
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