Monday, August 22, 2005

Update and Other Randomness

Well, this weekend hubby and I traveled down to Colorado Springs to kind of check it out and see what we thought about moving there, etc. I think we both went expecting a word from God and really what I got that was maybe significant from the trip was that God will bless you wherever you are and you can do God's work in any place. In the future God's work may or may not pull us to Colorado Springs. For now, we just think it is a really nice city and we could definitely see ourselves there. We are just waiting for the right situation and the right timing. What we have going on here is still really good. It's not like my hubby needs to find a job or anything like that. So, for now we're here and always constantly seeking our God.

I have to say that the kiddos did great considering what they were put through this weekend, hours of riding around in the car and getting out and looking at houses and enduring torrential rains. It even snowed up on Pikes Peak! (Maybe this is a normal occurrence in August, I just thought it was neat.) And as my hubby and I were driving around discussing family and kiddos and such, my quote for the weekend came right out, "It's too bad we can't have the experience and knowledge of how to raise kids, before we have kids." Our poor little guinea pigs! I wonder how many other parents have had the same thought.

So we did pick up our table- Hubby still has to put it together tonight. We got home so late that we just crashed. Of course Drew still got up at the butt crack of dawn and walked into our room and said loudly, "Hi, Da Da!" (How do you get your kids to sleep in?) But anyways-table-we're excited about that. I think this week on the "house renovation project" we will be ordering cabinets for our built in china hutch and looking at what we need to do to get the play room fixed up. And I think we may be getting the long awaited, much much needed new king size mattress! Yeah! I cannot express enough excitement for that one. Oh heavenly hours of comfortable, restful, not sleeping in a trough! (Then we could just get Drew potty trained and my life would be perfect, really!)


Blogger pretendingsanity said...

Well, I'm glad you had a nice trip. I can't wait to see you table all set up in your kitchen, I bet it's going to look fab!

12:21 PM  

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