Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Created for Relationship

You know I really believe that God created us for relationship with Him. I believe that we were not created just to serve Him (though that is part of being in a relationship) and not just to help others into a relationship with Him, but that He created us because he wanted to enjoy us, and talk with us and be there for us, and He wants us to enjoy Him and talk to Him and be there for Him. I also believe that He created us in His own image, which is why he has given us the insatiable desire for relationships ourselves, whether they be just friendships or more intimate than that. We crave relationship with others, just like He craves relationship with us. In relating this to the recent heartache my husband and I have suffered through being asked to leave the band (which you can read about here,) I have asked myself a lot of questions, like why does this hurt so much? Why am I having such a strong reaction to this? When I think about what God has created us for it starts to kind of make sense. In being created for relationship, we were not created for rejection- and that is why rejection is so painful. (Well, duh.) So I just have to say that I am so thankful to be in relationship with God- who will never reject me or break relationship with me, who forgives and forgets, who loves me so much I will never comprehend and provides a darn good example how to live in my relationships (can you comprehend sacrificing one of your children so that others could be saved?) God is awesomely wonderful and the perfect friend, husband, business partner, you name it. I find comfort in that.
Thanks for listening while I work through my issues dealing with the recent "break up." I think letting it out is probably really important in helping me heal and a really important stage in the grieving process.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is so awesome. It really makes you think; how much are we giving back to the relationship? God is so incredible that no matter what we do, He is always there with His arms open wide.
Thank you for sharring your thoughts. I think you hit the nail on the head.

4:08 PM  
Blogger sarahgrace said...

Yes, it really does make you think about how much we are giving back to the relationship. A great pastor I know says something to the effect of: if our relationsip with God was likened to how much time we spent eating-would we be starving?

8:32 AM  

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