Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Laundering Sleepy Pictures of Tomato Plants and a Holey Nerf Ball

...In other words- just stuff...

I'm so so tired. Fell asleep nursing the Beau-bug, only to wake up and find that Drew had taken his Nerf basketball hoop off the wall and placed all the thumbtacks into his Nerf basketball. I guess it could have been worse. Can't understand why I have no energy.
Today is just a boring normal laundry day (go figure), nothing exciting to write about unless you think the physics of how I fold my hubby's underwear is interesting. If you do, you're reading the wrong blog.
Anyways, soon we will be getting our own digital camera and I can take some pictures of our new dining table and my measly little garden or my two tomato plants and a leek. Actually, speaking of tomato plants- can anyone tell me what is going on with mine? I have a beautifully large plant with lots of blossoms, but no tomatoes yet and it looks like something is eating my blooms. How can I stop that?


Blogger pretendingsanity said...

sorry can't help you on the matos?

3:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As far as the blooms go, leave 'em on, of course, that's where your 'maters will show for the critters eating them, I use a dust called SEVIN.
If you are totally into organic, then I don't know, however I do know you have to get rid of critters before they decide to eat your tomatoes!
This coming from a midwest IL gal who's canned 20 qts. and 10 pts. of the things so far, and my plants are still loaded...
Looks like a summer for canning!

:>} Also, make sure they get plenty of water if it's been as hot there as it has been out here.

good luck, saragrace

4:40 PM  
Blogger sarahgrace said...

Thanks a ton, Judy. I'm not too crazy about pesticides, but I think I'd rather have tomatoes! I will definitely look into that.

11:51 PM  

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