Thursday, December 01, 2005

Dear Drew,

Well two months now to your big 3! I know I say this every time, but I can't believe you are going to be THREE! It has gone by so fast, and now I'm not looking at my first little baby anymore, I'm looking at my growing boy! You are so charming and handsome. (Even if you think you are Darth Vader.)

This month has been a much better month for you and I. I have not been nearly as frustrated with you, and we have not had as many blow ups. I attribute this to a lot of prayer and God really helping me out. Although, you have been better behaved as well. (Do you think there could be a correlation there?) My only beef this month is with the whole Star Wars thing. Now this is not your fault, you are just a lover of all things Star Wars. This is Corporate America's fault (I have a few things I can think of to call you, but I wont...) We can't get away from it. We, well YOU see Star Wars everywhere. We can't drive past a Burger King without you saying, "I want a Darf Bader toy!" Of course, your Dad and I are probably also to blame, since we have indulged you just a tad (seeing that we secretly think Star Wars is pretty cool too.) But, this is what you look like when we've just told you, you can't have the Star Wars item you are asking for.

Notice the Yoda Pez Dispenser in your hand...

This month I am really looking forward to Christmas with you. It is a blast being the parent who gets to watch their kid all excited about Christmas and of course, presents. However, you have to stop adding things to your Christmas list. Just about every commercial on TV, "Mama, I want (insert some toy here), for Kissmess." Now I've taken to telling you that you can have whatever only if you are a good boy. Maybe that is why we haven't had many behavioral problems this month! Ha!

Lets see, what are some notable things about you? Well you still amaze us (at least me, since you got this trait from you father I don't think he is as impressed) with your observational prowess. You still see the tiniest things in the most obscure places and point them out to us. Also, your memory is like that of an elephant. Several times we have asked you where a certain something is and you lead us right back to the exact spot it is in. (I'm thinking this may really come in handy at times.) You also remember places and happenings. I only discovered just yesterday, why you were asking me to make a punkinman face out of the tortilla last time you had one; it was because your Gramma Summer had made one for you the last time you were with her! (If only I had known.) And yes, we encourage you to play with your food, because we believe it builds your creativity, and sometimes, sometimes you even eat it better that way!

You are really coordinated for a two year old. We took you out to play soccer the other weekend and you can dribble the ball as well as me (which isn't that good for me, but excellent for you!) You love to climb and scale all kinds of things, and are pretty resourceful at finding a way to get where you need to go (which could be good or bad, whatever way you want to look at it!) You really impressed me on the hike we went on while we were visiting your Gramma Cherry. This was your first hike and besides being upset that you couldn't join in the snowball fight with the boys, you didn't complain a whole lot you just hiked right up that hill. You were happy to be outside, doing something with everybody.

You just adore your Uncle Philip and Aunt Andrea as well.Poor Philip, you didn't leave his side the entire Thanksgiving weekend. But who can blame you, he is a great Uncle! I am sure that one day, you'll have adoring little cousins at your heels as well. Hopefully you will have learned a valuable lesson about how to play with them from Philip.And here you are with Andrea during the hike. She held your hand almost the whole way.

Well Buddy, I love you. I am going to tell you that a lot because I don't ever want you to wonder. You have made my life full, given it a greater purpose, and made it happier. I love you!
Love, Mama


Blogger Unknown said...

Awwww he's a cutie. Excuse me he's a very handsome young man.I forgot my three year old says not to call him cute, has to be handsome

9:04 AM  

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