Tuesday, November 22, 2005


So yesterday, make sure you're sitting down when you read this so you don't drop from the exhaustion...
I got up...
...well I was woken (is that a word?) by my mother's phone call...
...call four portrait studios and made an appointment with the first one to answer...
...called my mom back to tell her that the picture taking would be on...need your help!...
...called the hubby to let him know we were getting our pics taken at one p.m....be there...
...fed both boys...oh...and...myself...
...amazingly took a shower before 2 in the afternoon...
...gave both boys a bath...
...fed Beau...
...chose outfits for both of them...and re-chose...and re-chose...
...got on the computer...
...answered the return calls of the studios who didn't answer the phone when I called the first time...
...said, "Sorry, but I made an appointment with the people who weren't too lazy to be answering the phones at 8:30 in the morning... (not really...LOL!)...
...decided I needed a haircut...
...mom called when she got down here..
...told her I needed a haircut...
...realized I had less than an hour to finish getting ready and get out to get a haircut and make it to picture appointment on time...
...rushed around the house like a loopy chicken gathering various items with no apparent rhyme or reason...
...strapped kids into the car...
...grabbed sippy cup...
...grabbed ringing cell phone...for the umpteenth time...my mom...HA ha ha!...
...rushed down to mall...
...went to an amazingly unbusy Great Clips... (I know, VERY brave move!)...
...actually got a haircut in less than 30 minutes and it looked halfway decent...
...rushed to the photo appointment and got there with one minute to spare, thankyou very much...
...waited...for thirty more minutes...till our session actually started...
...wrestled with boys for oh, probably and hour... and came out with three good shots...
...watched Drew pore my bottled water all over portrait studio floor...whoops...chuckle chuckle...
...waited while lone photographer answered the phones, dealt with other customers and tried to take our pictures...
...waited while lone photographer did all of the above except downloading our pics to computer...
...lone photographer gave us a discount since we had to wait so long! Thank you lone photographer...(Sears needs to get on the ball and hire more photographers...sheeeesh!)...
...went to Chili's at 3 for lunch...
...happily ate while Drew happily played with his Storm Trooper and Beau slept...
...went to Sally's and then went to Vitamin cottage...all the time carrying a cart resistant Beau...(I didn't want to put my sling on over/under my coat)...blah blah blah...
...went to Sam's Club...
...felt my feet get tired in their four inch heels...(boots)...
...nursed Beau in parking lot at Wal-Mart...watched Drew fall asleep in the backseat...
...woke up Drew...grumpy kid...and bought my 20 items at WM...along with everyone and their brother buying their Thanksgiving dinner food...
...finally drive home...eight hours since I left...
...dump kids with hubby so I can unload car...
...unload car...plop on couch...
...nurse Beau again...
...Beau magically falls asleep and actually stays asleep in his crib....
...make soup and sandwiches for myself and awake boys...
...put Drew in bed...
...watch I Robot with my hubby...
...watch I Robot that we got from Netflix skip on our old DVD player...
...get crying Beau and nurse him again...
...watch hubby futz with DVD from Netflix...
...move downstairs with nursing Beau...DVD...and watch on computer...
...works much better...must be the old DVD player...
...finish watching movie and nursing Beau...
...fall asleep with Beau on futon while hubby watches bonus features...
...finally move child and myself back upstairs to bedroom...
...Beau wakes up just as I am falling asleep...hungry again...
...so Beau nurses...again...in bed...wiggly child...

And this, ladies and gentlemen, this is the life of a stay at home mom. (And also the reason I didn't post yesterday...)


Blogger Unknown said...

OMG I need a nap lol

2:09 PM  
Blogger KELLI BELLY said...

Can I show this to my husband so he knows what we go through? Maybe I'll show him next time he asks me where his clean underwear are!

7:02 PM  
Blogger Becky Behrens said...

Way to go girl! I'm impressed! Especially that you were able to sneak in a haircut and that you had the guts to go to Great Clips, last minute, before a photo session.

6:46 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Flinger said...

Holy Moley! And they think we eat bonbons. Hmph.

9:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG!!! Could you do anymore??? WOW! I am exhausted just reading what you did!

9:57 AM  
Blogger pretendingsanity said...

I can't wait to see what your hair looks like. and yes you are brave!

3:50 PM  
Blogger Tee/Tracy said...

oh man... I am so freaking tired from reading that... Things haven't been that rough for me since mine are older now (7 and 4)... And to think I want a baby! Ha! I'm tired just reading about taking care of one.

....and so much work for portraits. Ugh!

Get some sleep!

6:37 PM  
Blogger sarahgrace said...

dakotablueeyes- me too!

kelli belly- please feel free to show this to your hubby! My personal pet peeve is when it's obvious I've had a long hard day with the kids and my husband asks what's for dinner...

Jill- I can't even imagine doing this with three kids, let alone two and being preggers!

Becca-actually I think I left a few things out...maybe I need to go back and update...he he

Becky- well, I knew they would be quick, which is what I needed, and I thought who can screw up bangs and trimming layers?

Tee- yeah, I think I put the portraits off for so long because the ARE so much work...blech... and sometimes it's not worth the effort.

1:41 PM  

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