Thursday, September 29, 2005

Artful Worship

So this weekend I am participating in an interesting church service. My mother and I are both artists. She prefers to work with clay and I prefer drawing. I like to draw mostly figures and portraits, because to me, people are fascinating. But on with the story here, my mother is actually having one of her pieces on display this weekend and a reception is being held for her at a local church. Well the pastor of that church has this vision for showing people how to worship God with other forms of art, besides just music. And that is where my mother and I come in. She and I are actually going to be doing our artwork as a form of worship while the pastor preaches I guess, I'm not really sure. He will be asking both of us questions about how we think doing artwork is a form of worship. So I have been thinking about this quite a bit and here are my thoughts on the subject. Referring back to my people are fascinating statement, I think that people are one of God's most amazing creations, if not the most. I'm not sure how many people have really thought about how awesome the human body is. Really, think about it for a while. Just contemplate how incredible your body really is... I really think the human body, in addition to many other mysterious and wonderful things, is beautiful and that is why I like to draw figures. I truly feel like drawing figures is a celebration of God's creation. I also believe that God gifted me with the ability to draw well, and every time I use that gift it is a delight, a credit, a glorification unto Him. It is also a delight to me, wich I believe is also pleasing to Him. Genesis 1:27 says: "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." (RSV) You know, God is an artist Himself. He made each one of us unique and special. We are all some form of an expression of Himself, being made in His image. I think that my drawing, and anyone elses visual art, whether it be abstract, realistic, expressionism, landscapes, pottery, sculpture, you name it really, is immitating God. And I can see no greater form of worship than to immitate the One who created us and loves us so much.

Isaiah 64:8 "Yet, O LORD, thou art our Father; we are the clay, and thou art our potter; we are all the work of thy hand." (RSV)

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I Don't Know Why God Made Onions Purple

So today, Alannah said, "Who's stinky?" And I said, " I don't know, is it Dominic?" and she said, "No, no body's stinky, it's your food!" (I was making Allison's slow cooker chicken curry.) And she scrunched up her nose and said, "It smells good!" Then I laughed out loud and said, "Your hilarious, Alannah!" And she said, "I am?" And then she explained that her Nana calls her "Sweat Pea" and that she is not "Herlarious."


I knew there was a reason I agreed to watching my best friends kids today! Alannah is known for saying such funny stuff all the time, it would give me great fuel for my blogger fire here. Actually, we had a great day, the four kids and I. All went rather well, and I am confident I could watch four kids at the same time again. Well, these four anyways. It was very interesting for me to have a girl in my care all day. I did not realize how used to little boys I have become. I thought I knew how to deal with girls better, being the oldest of three sisters. However, though little girls aren't completely foreign to me, they are just a whole lot different than little boys! And I have become very acustomed to mothering boys. Also, it's really nice to be dealing with a child that is potty trained. I'm not so sure how well I would have dealt with four little butts in diapers today. Maybe the potty training is what makes up for all the "Why's?" I was asked why the onion (I was cutting up) was purple today. How do you answer that? So I just said, because God made it purple, and fortunately that was a good enough answer for the time being. Eventually I just stopped trying to answer every "Why." I'm not real good at explaining everything- and especially don't want to be telling my friends kids something they might not really appreciate. (Ha ha!) So I learned that it is okay to say "I don't know." And I have one last thing to add before I go to sleep, because believe me I. Am. Exhausted. Dominic was an absolute angel. I cannot imagine that kid doing an ounce of anything wrong. He's just so cute and laid back and easy. How nice!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Kev's Quote of the Weekend

During dinner Saturday Beau was particularly fussy. As all you nursing mothers know, (or have known, if you currently have ownership of your own boobs ) your child will always decide they want to eat right when you've put all the hot food on the table and are ready to sit down and enjoy your freshly cooked meal (or the KFC you just picked up.) And this night it was no different. Beau was having a fullfledged fuss fest, and we had company, and I didn't want to leave the table and go feed him. I just wanted to finish my meal without having to microwave it. Sensing my frustration, and being annoyed himself at the fussing, my husband piped up and said, "Lone me your boob, I'll feed him!" To which I replied, "Believe me, if I could I would!"

Yes, I am looking forward to the day my breasts will again experience sweet "I can wear all the cute bras I want" freedom. Now why doesn't Victoria's Secret make sexy nursing bras? After all, it's their floopy little outfits that got us in this position in the first place, right?!

Monday, September 26, 2005

The REST of the Story

Okay, so here it is, as promised the additional photo: Drew, covered head to foot, literally, in Desitin.

And the winner is: Tee
"ROFL. Ok, let's see.

Once upon a time, a precious but mischevious baby was put down for a nap. When baby awoke, baby spotted the Desitin cream and felt artisitically inspired so baby quietly went to work. Mama came back in just as baby was doing the finishing touches. Tada!"

Yep, that's pretty much it, and when Mama beheld the lovely mess and her son's terrified "oh no, what's she gonna do look" she just started laughing. And then she called Daddy in to have a look, and then she asked for the camera...and they lived happily ever after.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Mystery Muck

I could tell this story, but I think I'll let you do the talking. Can anyone tell me the story here? I will post the winning story with an additional picture... this should be funny...

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Bothersome Blogging Boohoos

I have been having a hard time with the whole blogging thing lately. I know I'm not the first to talk about this problem-o. But I thought maybe if I vented it would help break my blogger's-block. You see, you start these things out, and everything is great. You've got this new project, this fun thing. You think you can share, vent, maybe get out all those unexpressed emotions or just write someone a new @$#hole when you feel like it. And you're so excited and proud of your new creation that you tell everyone, everyone like your family and friends and so on and so forth. And then soon lots of people know about it, and maybe people you didn't expressly want to know about it. Then you realize you've created this problem for yourself. Now that everyone knows about your online diary, if you will, you will have to censor yourself and watch what you say. You can't exactly vent about how so and so really creeps you out, because they might read it! And sometimes you get so neurotic about things that even if something is appropriate to post about, you worry that the way in which you express things about it will offend or confuse someone who experienced that same thing with you. Or you worry that people will get the wrong idea about you, or not realize when you are just joking about something. You get the picture.
Then there is this other aspect that you worry about...all those online weirdos that are looking for less than pure reasons..etc. So then you have to analyze every word you publish and wonder if anyone can figure out your vitals from them.
It just gets to the point where sometimes, it's not fun anymore, especially if your a neurotic obsessive compulsive paranoid schizo like me. (Joking, people.)

But I can't just vent about all this- I have to say that most of the time, blogging is very rewarding. Whether you do get to vent out something that is really bugging you (can you tell that's important to me?) or write someone a tribute or share some funny or interesting news, whether you get fun feedback and make new, if faceless, friends, whether it's pride in something you've created that is almost totally your own, or learning new website tricks all the time, or reading other peoples thoughts, stories, jokes, what have you...I guess it is still worth it. So I'm going to keep blogging, of course, but I'm going to try not to let things bug me so much. I'm not going to worry about who I might offend, and I'm going to really represent who I really am, and who I'm struggling to become. I'm going to share the funny stories, if piddly, and when my son gets his first tooth, or when I'm in a bad mood. Because, I started this blog for's about's for my own enjoyment... I just choose to share it with the whole www. So if you like what you read, I'm glad and I hope you keep reading. If you don't like what you read... TOO BAD! Go get your voyeur kicks somewhere else!

Not that anyone has ever been mean to me or done anything questionable or wrote anything terrible or threatening or scary in relation to my blog. This is just stuff I worry about in my own head. Thoughts, I've been having trouble ignoring, and thoughts I would like to really give up to God. I share because I know lots of you people out there can relate and understand, and that kinda makes me feel better. And if I've helped you out in anyway too, that is always a plus.

Anyways, as always, thanks for letting me vent. And thank you to those of you who are unassuming, non-judgemental, and laid back and fun and non-threatening. Enjoy.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Small Vent-ola

So today was one of those days when I was not exactly at my best. I had to struggle at time just to keep my sanity. And other times I felt just fine and happy. I'm really I'm guessing my monthly friend is going to start coming back for a visit. Headaches. Check. Moody. Check. Depressed. Check. Distracted. Check. Unmotivated. Check. Breakouts. Check. Tense. Check. Yeah...its a comin. Yeah, fun for me. least I got my mountain of laundry done!

Monday, September 19, 2005

A Winner of a Weekend

Had a great weekend with my hubby's family. I have the best in-laws in the world. I don't know how I got so blessed...
Here are few shots from our weekend.

Swinging at the park...yippee!

Daddy and Drew

Grampa giving Drew the push he wanted. "I wanna go higher, Grampa!"

Maybe not...he he he

Beau completely conked out while eating.

You can see where Beau gets his looks.

The Momma and the Beau

Daddy and the boyz...they're all so cute!

Drew actually fell asleep while swinging...ha ha ha...

Friday, September 16, 2005

The Advent of the IBook

Advantages to having a laptop (please feel free to add your own $.02)

1. You can take it to wherever your kids are playing and still keep an eye on them.
2. You can sit in bed and surf/blog/write/whatever.
3. You can watch TV and surf/blog/write/whatever-and be interactive with those interactive TV shows much know, the ones that say "to to such and such dot com..."
4. You can bring it with you on trips and look up the definition of a word or thing you and your husband are arguing about.
5. You can watch your own DVD on trips, while the kids watch theirs in the back (if you have a dvd player for the kids too of course.)
6. You can move it out of the way of grabby little fingers a lot easier than a desk computer.
7. You can carry it with you everywhere, just like a kid holds on to his treasured blanky.
8. You can very easily show anyone what you are working on or looking at withou having to drag them into the computer room (good for showing your husband that kitchenaid mixer you want on ebay.)
9. You can fit it in your diaper bag!
10. You can sit on the toilet and surf/blog/write/whatever (not that I need to sit on the toilet that hem.)

Thursday, September 15, 2005

A Few Things

A few things- first off... Happy Big 2-4 Allison! I wish I could whip up something nice for you as quick as you did for me! (Uncle!)

Back in the day. (This is one of the few pics I could find of you!)

Second- Happy First Anniversary Hannah and Darin! You two have not only made it- you've done it with flying colors. I'm so proud of both of you and Darin you are an excellent addition to the family! Love you both!

Da Love Birds...

Third-a friend of mine has a hilarious pick of me on his site you have to check it out...

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

God's Will for Drew's Rear(ing)

So lately we've been up to our ears in the potty...I mean potty training. I don't know if I will survive this period of childhood. It is really trying my patience, but it is growing my resourcefulness. ( I am amazed at just how resourceful I've become since becoming a mother.) For example I am learning just what to use as a bribe to get my son to try to expel anything on the toilet. Tonight, he really wanted to watch Bob the Builder, so I told him, "only if you go poo poo on the potty." He couldn't get his pants off fast enough! And he actually squeezed something out the size of a...well...a.....a...pea. So, while this didn't warrant the reward of the big present that has been hanging on the door hook now for four months-he was plenty happy to watch his little show. Earlier today, at the suggestion of a friend, I tried the cold turkey approach and let him just wear some regular little Spongebob undersquarepants. He didn't last five minutes, people. Wet all the way down his pants, puddle on my carpet. Yuck! They say potty training is training the parents, and I'm beginning to see the wisdom of that statement. I will not be doing the undies until he is good and ready for that. My carpet can't handle it, and neither can I. Tomorrow, though, I will be as resourceful as I can with the bribing and be as encouraging as I can. However, I imaginge he will spend most of the day in a diaper (vs. a pull-up) seeing as we are going to be out and about with his Nanna.

I am remembering a story from my mother's young mommy days. When she was potty-training my sister, (ha! not me..he he) she was having a particularly difficult day one time when my sister sufficiently soiled her undies. And basically as she was washing them out in the toilet and grumbling to herself, she very clearly hear God say that this was His will for her. So, she quit grumbling and accepted her position and all that comes with it. And she is the best Mom God could provide. Thanks for potty training me mom.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Orange Eyes

So the other day I was feeding Beau some yummy cereal and I looked at him and said,
"You're my beautiful green eyed boy." Drew was standing nearby and suddenly became interested and asked me about Beau's green eyes. So I looked at him and asked, "What color are your eyes, Drew?"
"My eyes, are ORANGE!"

I bet you can't guess what his favorite color is.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Crawl-ly Monster!

Well, you knew it was coming...yes... Beau has started to officially crawl. Yes, Gramma Summer had the magic touch (as she did with Drew) and was able to lure him towards her with the oh so interesting reading glasses. As I write, he is now starting to really take off, and realize the perks of his newfound ability. Time to watch out for all of Drew's swallow-able toys! I'm excited for this milestone as it will certainly make things easier in the way that he will be able to entertain himself a little bit better and not squawk in frustration. But I will also have to deal with him being able to get virtually anywhere he wants and doing strange things like bumping the CD player with his head and accidentally changing the CD I am listening to. (hee)

This weekend and today Drew changed his own diaper twice...which is really starting to become a quandary because he leaves skidmarks in various places. Today, he actually tried to change himself on the changing table-how do I know? Big ugly skid mark up there. And I had to wash all his sheets and blankets. I don't want to have to do this everyday people. Any ideas? He thinks he's helping me out, but not so much...

So Kevin informed me that he has a bunch of days off that he hasn't taken yet, so we need to take a vacation. Wow, I'm not sure I can live with that one... Ha ha. So we are trying to decide where to go and what to do. So if you have any bright ideas for a family with a 2 1/2 year old and an infant, I'm all ears...(er..I guess...eyes...)

It seems like there was something else I had to mention...hmm...I'll get back to y'all if I remember.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Guilty Pleasures

Okay so here's another little fun survey for the weekend:

Fill in the blank for all your guilty pleasures.

  1. food
  2. movie
  3. t.v. show
  4. book
  5. magazine
  6. music
  7. activity
  8. store
  9. restaurant
  10. actor or actress

  1. popcorn with a beer to drink
  2. The Sweetest Thing
  3. CSI
  4. The Da Vinci Code
  5. Star
  6. Justin Timberlake
  7. picking my nose
  8. Sally Beauty Supply
  9. Red Lobster
  10. Orlando Bloom

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Dear Beau,

You are exactly six months old today. I cannot believe the time has flown by so quickly. It seems like just yesterday I was waiting for you to come out, and then being induced and finally holding you in my arms. You have been a really easy baby for the most part. You sleep well- which truthfully- in all other areas you could be difficult, but if you sleep well, you're a good baby to me. Because that is all I really need to be happy- sleep. But you are good in all the other areas in addition to that. You are a pretty happy little big guy, you smile all the time and it is easy to make you laugh. You are highly alert and love to look around at new things and reach for anything that catches your interest. You are already eating a little bit. You have been intensely studying food since you were about 3 months old. So about two weeks later, I finally cracked and let you have your first taste of rice cereal. We have been eating it on a regular basis for about a month and a half now with some vegetables and a little bit of fruit. Unfortunately, I think the rice cereal has stopped you up a bit, which has put a bit of a dent in your "easy" baby routine. But we are trying our best to take care of that with a little bit of apple juice here and there. Also making that dent a little larger is the impending arrival of your first teeth. You will gnaw on anything you can get your hands on, and your mouth is a saliva fountain. I'm still waiting for the suckers to break the surface, but my nipples are in no hurry if you know what I mean! The other week, we gave you a lemon because we wanted to see your reaction. To our amazement, you made no reaction at all. You gummed that thing for as long as I held it in your mouth. I'm pretty sure the taste didn't compare to how the cool sponginess of it felt on your gums. You are also trying so desperately to crawl. When I put you down on all fours, you try to actually stand on your feet- so I'm starting to wonder if you are one of the kids who will crawl like a monkey. That would be pretty funny. Your brother crawled on his six month birthday- so I wonder if you might just take off today. You get pretty frustrated with it, though, and you're pretty vocal. So if you haven't figured it out by today, its because momma can't stand to hear you cry.
You love your big brother so much already. You are highly attuned to his voice, so if he makes a peep while you are sleeping, your eyes pop wide open. Whenever he runs around, your head follows him, so I have to make sure he doesn't run circles around you, which he occasionally likes to do. You like his hair too. Well, you like anyone's hair. To reach out, grab it and pull actually. I love to see the joy you get from this, but sometimes it causes my follicles much pain.
You are a big baby for your age. I regret to say that I do not know how much you weigh. Number one because I haven't been able to take you to your well baby check ups. You see there's this problem with our We're gonna get you on as soon as possible. Number two, we don't actually own a scale- so I can't figure it out that way either. But I figure you are around 22 pounds, and you're really tall. Your brother didn't weigh that much until he was 1 and a half! I really wonder if you will catch up to him and pass him up. ( To a degree, I think it would serve him right.)
The other day, you were scooting around in your walker, being enamored by your big brother. I was gone for a minute and he tipped you right over in it- making you clonk your head on our not so forgiving, tile floor. All I heard was a big thunk and then you started your, "I've been hurt by my brother" cry. Of course, I came running and gave your brother a whopping spanking and a rather loud talking to. You see, you are my baby, and I just love you so much. I can't bear the thought of someone hurting you in any way, even if it was just an innocent accident. So if for some reason, you turn out to be a momma's boy, you can blame me. Because I just love to hold you and cuddle you, and I want you to stay your cute little baby self forever. I'm kind of scared that you may be my last child, so I'm savoring every moment of your babyhood. (Something I wish I'd done better with your brother.) I'm also kind of scared that if I do have another one, they'll never measure up to how easy you are, and I kind of tend to think- why ruin a perfectly good thing?
And there's this thing with your eye. It's kind of droopy. But your daddy and I think that your other eye is just really wide. Anyways, I want you to know that it is not an ugly thing. It makes you very cute and endearing. Perfect little faces often get boring to look at after awhile anyways, so we embrace your imperfection.
I love you my little Beau-monster.
Love, Momma

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Beau Holders

I know this is a bit after the fact, but these are just a few of the many, many people who got a chance to hold Beau at Ariel and Jeremiah's wedding. There was actually a point in the night when Kevin and I looked at each other and realized we didn't know exactly where he was-so we just looked over the crowd of people and there he was being passed around between relatives and friends, the little social butterfly. (So NOT like his mommy! Ha!) Anyways- just thought you might enjoy a few pictures for a change.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Poop This and That (Random Crap)

I had a rather nice weekend. It started out with a lovely date with Kev on Friday. We went to a nice little French restaurant here in town and for a little while, I actually felt like I was in a different country. Yes, while I wouldn't say our waiter was rude, he was not exactly friendly, which just added to the experience because I hear that is how Americans are treated in France. That is probably the only time I'll ever be glad for a waiter who was kind of snooty to us. The food was delish, too. Totally worth it. Then we went for a walk in our local historic downtown, ha ha (every downtown is "historic" in Colorado.) We found some art studios and walked in to see what was happening and discovered a studio that has open figure drawing sessions every week. It is really reasonably priced and you don't have to sign up or anything. This is super exciting for me, because figure drawing is my favorite and well, its not exactly easy to get a good model, or any model for that matter for any length of time. Much less, work with artists who can give you good tips and critiques. So, as soon as I figure out what to do with the boys, I will definitely be going to that!
The rest of the weekend, Kev spent a lot of time remodeling the play room, which will soon become a big family room and I am excited about that. We had a couple nice dinners with friends and family.
This whole weekend Beau has been on the verge of crawling. He is SO so so, close. Up on all fours and rocking back and forth. Taking steps with hands and taking steps with knees- just needs to put the two together. I can't wait till he starts, although I have a feeling it is going to come back and bite me in the butt. But, it is always good to see your child progress. I was really worried he was going to accomplish the feat while we were on our date. My mom got Drew to crawl and I was out of the room when he did it, and I was so bummed I missed it. I want to be there when Beau puts it all together and takes off for the first time.
Drew, on the other hand has been Mr. Mystery Poop this weekend. About 4 or 5 times now we've woken up to him wearing a clean diaper, and a poopy one in the trash can, along with some dirty wipes. He is usually also dressed in clothes other than the ones he went to bed in as well. So our little "refuse to sit on the potty" is changing his own diaper in the morning. Some of those mornings we've also found a little poop here and there on the floor and a streak on his butt- so he's not so good at it. It's the mornings he gets everything that mystify us. Yep. Maybe its time I crack down on the potty training. If he can do that, he can sit on the pot!
So that is all the random bits from my weekend. Right now I have the Beau sitting on my lap and he is trying desperately to type you his own message. So I must bid you adieu for today.

Friday, September 02, 2005

How Can We Help?

My thoughts, prayers and good wishes go out to all of the sufferers of Hurricane Katrina. My heart goes out to you and I know I cannot even understand what you are going through right now. I, like many others, feel guilty that my family is here safe, warm and comfortable. I am also scared at the thought that none of us are immune from a disaster like this. I want to help you out in the best way possible, but I'm not sure what that is. For now, again, like many others, I am watching and praying, seeking God for how I can best serve you.

Bragging Rights

Okay- so here you have it, the much promised pictures of things recently acquired by my household: Enjoy!



Do you like our new bed?


That is the new table from Cost Plus- World Market.


This is the lovely wool shrug that Allison made me for my birthday.

Last but not least...


Thursday, September 01, 2005

Motherhood Causes Temporay Insanity

You know what makes me insane? Having to make myself breakfast, my son having the "I wants" in a super whiny voice, the other son spitting up all over me, who wont be happy in a swing, on the floor, in a walker or on my lap, the "I wants" son getting into my childproof pantry, eating who knows how many cookies, and I found candy wrappers on the floor, asking for a hug when he's in trouble, repeating himself one million times, both kids crying simultaneously, with the Wiggles going in the background: All at the same time! Top of the morning to ya!

P.S. I did get to sleep early last night and got a whole ten, yes ten hours of sleep which will hopefully help me deal with this situation. He he.