Thursday, June 23, 2005

Lots O Poo (Warning this Post Contains words in, around, or about Poop)

So yesterday was an interesting day, even fun in some parts. We are all still recovering from "the sickness", so I decided to bring both boys to the Dr. to check their ears for infection. This is always extremely traumatic, especially since Drew hates to be looked at. I had my sister with me fortunately, and I warned her before we went in that this would probably not be, in any form of the word, "fun". Drew has particularly waxy ears, so his had to be cleaned out before they could be viewed, and the Dr. and I ended up having to hold him down while he was screaming- so we could clean them out. Like I said, NOT FUN. Poor Hannah thought she was going to cry. And yes, Drew does have an ear infection. Beau has probably a tiny one- so we get to start them both on fun antibiotics, which are also hard to get Drew to take.
Later, between various "wedding catch-up" as my sister aptly named it, I actually got to go get a haircut (thank you mom!) Fortunately my hairdresser is with-it enough to let me nurse Beau underneath the cape while she cut my hair. Well, he tooted under there and it was really stinky, and so I got him out of there. (Don't want him to be killed by his own fart!) I explained to my hairdresser that he hadn't gone poo in 3 days. Just as I am saying this I look down to see yellow coming out of the back of Beau's shorts. My hairdresser grabs me a towel, and it starts bubbling out the back- and then Hannah picks up Drew and runs out to the car to get the diaper bag. Well, Drew's diaper was full too and he just happened to be peeing- so Hannah too got wet. Meanwhile, Beau is bubbling. Hannah comes back with diaper bag and we transfer Beau to sink- and she holds him there for a little while so he can finish bubbling. My hairdresser looks down- and she had been tagged too by the poo when she transfered Beau from my hands to the sink. I, the producer of both children, remained untouched by any of their "goings." Funny thing is, my hairdresser happened to have a picture up on her wall of another little girl whose diaper exploded and got to use the same sink while her mommy was getting a haircut. Wish we had a camera!
Even later, back at home, Drew informs me that he needs to go poo himself. So we take off his diaper and let him sit on the potty chair. He fiddles around for quite awhile while myself and my sister are demonstrating how to push things out. He's in the buff long enough that he has his very first successful pee on the potty. Yeah! We were so proud- and little bit later he sits back on the potty and squeazes out a little turd. So, he's gettin' it. I know I still have a lot of work ahead of me, but I'm pretty sure this is a breakthrough. Whew!


Blogger pretendingsanity said...

yay!! Poop and pee in the potty!! I want to see a pic of this hair cut!

10:32 PM  

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