Monday, June 20, 2005

Monday/Bridal Shower Report

Aaah...Monday, Monday. The count is 6 days until my little sister's wedding. The last little girl in my family is growing up. We will all be married off now. Time really flies. I remember thinking about this moment for me when I was about 12, but it never occurred to me that my sisters would be getting married too, and that that would make me feel really old. And I'm not really old. It's kind of a bittersweet time. It's sad that our childhood is really gone forever, but exciting to look to our future as adults and parents. Life is an interesting and strange thing.

Well, I am still suffering from this bug- which I think may be a genetically altered cold bug, but I'm not sure. I was feeling pretty decent Saturday morning, then my ears started hurting again and then I lost my voice. It still hasn't returned. My dad told me I should sing "Bette Davis Eyes" by Kim Carnes. (Have no idea if that is spelled right or even the correct title of the song, but I think most of you will get the jist) My sore throat has just migrated to different parts of my throat throughout this whole ordeal, and now I have a nasty gross cough and green sludge coming out of my head. So I just hope, and pray, that this is all cleared up by Saturday or tomorrow is good too. Sigh.

The shower was a hit. It took 6 of us women to get it off the ground, but we did it successfully and had a blast. The highlights of the party were probably the video we taped of Ariel's fiance answering questions about himself and Ariel, and the cake from Coldstone. (mmmm, yummy) Ariel had to guess how Jeremiah would answer the questions- and she did pretty good, got just about everything except his year of birth. He he. We should of put some wackier ones in there, like: When was the last time Jeremiah picked his nose in traffic? Then the bachelorette party was a lot of fun too. We ate at the Olive Garden and then headed out to a super nice house, owned by Ariel's Aunt-in-law-to-be. Just for grins, we made Ariel take a "Blow Job" shot, which is a no hands shot. She was having much difficulty and she quickly said, "I can't get my mouth around it!" To which we all had a really good laugh and she turned red in embarrassment. We got her a "Honeymoon Survival Kit" and joked around by putting things like a pregnancy test in there as well as some No Doz, and a copy of Kama Sutra. Then I went to bed early (well, earlier than everyone else) seeing as I had only had three hours of sleep the night before, and we got up the next morning and drove home in our pajamas. Oh and did I mention we had a stripper at this party? Yes, my son Beau, I had to change his diapers...


Blogger pretendingsanity said...

*snicker, snicker* you said "blow job" on your website. hee, hee

It sounds like a hit! I'm sorry that I missed it! I can't believe she's getting hitched too. wow.

9:15 PM  

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