Da Da Da, Da da-da, Da da-da!!!!
I can't think of anything interesting to write, people, my head hurts too much. You know those lymphnodes that are under your ears and they swell up when fighting sickness? Yeah, they're at work on me right now. So anyways...not going to bore you with mindnumbing drivel. Off to find a picture or two to share. When in doubt of what to say-find a picture!
Long long ago in a galaxy far far away, there was no mistaking children of Jedi Masters...

...and Darth Vader had a hard time seeing out of his helmet...(sorry this pic is a little fuzzy.)
Long long ago in a galaxy far far away, there was no mistaking children of Jedi Masters...

...and Darth Vader had a hard time seeing out of his helmet...(sorry this pic is a little fuzzy.)

Your kids look more manly than my son. He wears a Peter Pan hat. Yeah, my kid's a fairy.
they are DARLING pictures!
And you're right, when in doubt, show off how stinkin' cute your kids are!!
lol cute pictures
Aggghhhhh that is the cuuuuuuuuuuuuutest little Darth Vader I've ever seen!!
Very young, he was.
Not yet had Vadar learned how to
raise helmet.
Is this how James Earl Jones got his start?
BTW, thanks for the great comment yesterday on my blog.
Word Verification definition:
Vmykiqyk: a karate move where the foot when kicked is above the level of the head.
my ears are all stuffed up too. It's not fun I tell you.
hehehe!! Darf Bader!!!
Word Verification Definition of the Day: "R K B V V L"
A wood carpenters technique used on Noah's Ark.
hey Im #6003 on your hit counter..busy busy
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