Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Dear Drew,

You are now 3 months away from your third birthday. I'm sure I said this last time, but I can't believe we're approaching this so fast.
Let me just say that this has been a really difficult month between you and I. I don't know what you're trying to do, but you sure are testing US again, for like the umpteenth time. I really hope this is a phase that doesn't last long. I really want you to know, that I hate myself for yelling at you, but sometimes I just can't help it because you make me so mad. I don't want to be the type of mother who is always screaming at her kids, so I promise you that I am going to work on it. I don't want you to develop this habit from me and yell at MY grandkids and then go around feeling guilty and unworthy all the time.
Not that I expect you to change any of these things, but maybe it would help if you slept in a little in the morning. And didn't crawl into our bed at oh, say, 5 in the morning. And it would help to if you took your naps without fighting me. But what I'd really like you to stop doing is beating up on your little brother. I can't explain how upset that gets me. I hope that you and he will be nicer to each other in the NEAR future here. And that is that, I got it off my chest, now maybe I will be better able to deal with you this next month. Hopefully I will be a better mom next month.

You are growin' like a weed. You are a tall little two year old. And the pants that fit your waist are too short, and the pants that are long enough, don't fit your waist. You would think being skinny is a curse! He he.

You are such a smart little kid. Sometimes I forget you are just two. Actually, all the time I forget you are two. You seem so much older to me. Maybe that is part of my problem with your behavior. Maybe I am expecting too much out of you. I'm sorry for that. Although- I do expect a lot from you, oh spawn of your father!

Something that really surprises me about you is how friendly and uninhibited you are. You just love other kids (as long as they're not your brother LOL!) On Halloween I let you help me pass out the candy and you stood at that door faithfully looking out for each kid. You greeted each one as they came to the door, and you even had a light-saber duel with one of them. ( I don't think that kid knew what to think about this little toddler making all his light saber noises and swinging at him.) Although, that brings me to another issue about this month, Star Wars. We had to cut back on your Star Wars, because you seem to be taking it a bit too literally and have been shooting kids regularly at our friends houses and in the nursery at church. It wouldn't be so bad if you just aimed from afar and shot, but you have to follow your bullets straight to their heads or whatever you are aiming at on them. Needless to say, this doesn't go over so well with those who haven't been enlightened by the Force.

You are also a clothes changing maniac this month. I never knew a boy could BE so interested in what he was wearing, but , actually, no, I should have known- again, your father. He he. ( The first time he met your grandparents, he took longer to get ready than me! Ask me about it sometime...) I can't count how many times I've had to hang up flung on the floor clothes or tell you to keep what you have on. I think I may have to change the location of your clothes if things get any worse. Of course, this may do me no good, since you now can open any door you want to. Not good.

So, child, for this next month, I am going to try to help channel all your raw energy, and smarts into something more constructive than what we've got going now. Maybe some more arts and crafts type stuff. (It should really be like, second nature with mwa, duh!) I'm definitely going to pay a lot more positive attention to you. Play with you, read to you, teach you new stuff, converse with you. I just want to be a better mom. I want you to have an awesome childhood and a great example of how to raise your own kids, (someday, a long time from now!) I love you so much, and I am trying, kiddo. And I know God is on my side- so we both win!



Blogger PC said...

that is so awesome sarah. i love your letters to your kids and i can completely understand what you are going through. Hang in there, it does get better!

I can't believe Drew is almost 3. Yikes!

8:37 AM  
Blogger Tee/Tracy said...

These letters are so sweet. What cherished memories for him later. Love him cause they grow up fast - even through the hard times! :)

12:49 PM  
Blogger Becky Behrens said...

Your children will so enjoy these letters as they grow up. What a blessing you are giving them.

Hang in there! I swear every boy this age has to go through this time of testing. I remember some days thinking, "All I did today was disipline my son." Just remember, this too shall pass. Keep up the good work!

4:38 PM  
Blogger Jenn said...

I was always frustrated by the 'missing' manual. I wished they popped out with a manual of 'this years model'. Wouldn't that be so much easier?!!

You have a tender heart and you can see you love your son. Plainly.

God chose you for his mother. What an incredible blessing for your son..and for you, too!

9:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sarah, Yes, God is on your side.also,He will do more than just answer your prayers.

11:58 AM  

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