Saturday, May 14, 2005

Hangin' on a Saturday

It is Saturday and I am home after 3 days hanging with my folks. It was my dad's birthday and I also wanted to go up to Aspen to see and art show done by kids from schools across the valley. My mother is an art teacher at a private school and her kids had an exhibit up there. I also met an old friend for lunch and that was fun too, hadn't seen her in a while. Gee, I've got to get out more often. I was really needing it. Sometimes I get holed up here in the house for too long. It's not healthy when your only outing during the week is to Wal-Mart...

Today my adorable husband is tiling the backsplash in my kitchen and I'm really excited about that! My kitchen will be near finished then. All we have left to do is put glass in a couple of our window cabinets.

It is warming up down here and feeling pretty good finally. I welcome the sunshine after a cold cold winter and really expensive heating bills!

And to answer an anonymous persons question about why I didn't have my son circumcized at the hospital... It is entirely too expensive to have it done at the hospital, it actually costs about $400 less to do it in the doctors office! I have to say that hospital costs and insurance b.s. is really a sore spot with me. There really needs to be something done about these people who are controlling our lives in a round about way with their exorbitant prices for medical care...
But...such is life... Maybe one of my sons will grow up and be the person who changes that for the better...


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