Saturday, May 20, 2006

Check Out the New Digs

Okay, dear readers, without further ado, I'd like to introduce you to my new digs....drum roll please...and wah wah waaah-nope they're not here. They are at my totally new address (yes, I'm sorry, you'll have to change your links, your bookmarks, your RSS subscription.)

SO- from now on you can find me at

Check out my new digs, I'm so excited about them!

UPDATE: If for some reason this link isn't working for you, just go to that should get you to the right place! Thanks!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Mother's Day Was...

Mother's Day Was...

...Hanging out with family and friends...

...Drinking iced green tea...

...Admiring the shape of my pregnant sister...

...Drew bringing me a leaf that he picked out special and saying, "Happy Mommer's Day, Mama!"...

...Going to church and hearing a poignant message...

...Having little boys bounce all over my head, sit on me, and kick me in the face while I wish I was sleeping in : )...

...Watching Drew discover that boys don't always have to wear a shirt...

...Enjoying the well thought out words of my brother-in-law to his mother...

...Enjoying a happy cry...

...Me, falling to the floor at the hand of a pickle slice...

...Watching the season finale of Survivor...

...Soaking up the heat of the day...

...Speaking with friends I haven't seen in years...

...Enjoying meals cooked by the hands of others...

...Watching Drew's reaction to Frog-eye salad...

...a bit of a scavenger hunt..

...that ended in a nice little surprise!...

...spending hours after the boys went to sleep looking through songs in i-Tunes...

...Keeping Beau away from the floor fan...

...Receiving a much needed neck rub...

...Realizing how blessed I am...

Friday, May 12, 2006

Eh, Again.

I suppose I ought to post something of some sort this afternoon, well actually, early evening. The truth is that me and my whole family have been a little under the weather today. Runny noses, sore throats, sore bodies, no energy, and so on. I've been downing the echinacea so I kick it's butt before it kicks mine. I'm hoping this strategy, along with a ton of water works. Meanwhile, I'm being entertained by all of your blogs and so on...and dinkin' around with my own.

I know, I know, that post really leaves something to be desired. I promise a good one for next week when I'm feeling better. Hope you all have a fabulous illness free weekend. Oh and Happy Mother's Day to all you wonderful mommy-bloggers out there!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Happy Birthday Dad!

It's my dad's birthday today!
Things I love about my dad:
1. He's one good lookin' Pa Pa.
2. He's one of the hardest and most diligent workers I know.
3. He's always put his family first.
4. He plays the guitar and sings very well.
5. He made it to almost all of my soccer games, (what little number there were of them, it still meant a lot to me.)
6. He was always very supportive of any endevor of ours.
7. He threatened to break some jerk's arm for me once. (That's kind of a funny story, I'll have to share sometime.)
8. He really loves my mom, and takes such good care of her.
9. He's got a quiet, but great sense of humor that will really take you by surprise.
10. He's very mellow.
11. He fell asleep in the car a lot when I was learning how to drive. (This was a GOOD thing.)
12. He used to scare us girls after we were put to bed with his evil laugh, you know, the "BWA HA HA HA HA HA!" We always thought that was fun.
13. He's a prayer warrior, and a spring of wisdom.
14. He's modest.
15. He can ski, snowboard, and telemark like nobody's business.
16. He loves his grandsons.
17. He's very sensible and down to earth.
18. He's a Star Trekkie.
19. He always shared his plumb candy with me on the ski lift.
20. He said "yes" when Kevin asked him if he could marry me. ; )
21. And so so much more...

I love you Dad, you really are the best of the best!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

A Perfect Day in the Life of Me

Well, I'd have to say that today was pretty close to a perfect day for me. I'm trying to relish every last moment of it, because they don't happen that often. Woke up this morning and chose to hold my temper with the kids which proved to improve my mood one hundred fold, (imagine that!) not to mention, the improvement in their behavior. (I knew those two things were connected...) Then I got to go to lunch, sans children, with a good friend of mine. Then we hung around at her place, where she helped me out with some new blog stuff. (Stay tuned for that, I'm really excited about it! Yay!) Then I drove the boys home. Nursed Beau to sleep and he actually stayed asleep. Then I thought it'd be a good idea to clean the bathrooms, so I started on them. Just as I was starting in, you know who started crying. I decided to finish at least the toilet, since I was knee deep in it already. I could hear Drew talking to him, and pretty soon, Drew came sauntering into the bathroom.
"Is Beau crying?" I asked him.
"Yeah," he said, "I give him his drink."
"Oh, did he stop crying then?"
"Uh huh."

So I decided to put in a movie for Drew and go check on Beau, sure enough he'd went right back to sleep. Just in case, you didn't notice: DREW PUT BEAU BACK TO SLEEP!

Then as if my kids were not already precious enough today, I came out from cleaning the rest of the bathroom and Drew was fast asleep on my bed. So cute! So I went on to clean the other bathroom, and then finish folding some laundry. (Some of you may wonder how these tasks possibly have part in the perfect day...accomplishing things like these just make me feel so on top of it...a rare thing...especially the bathrooms!)

Then hubby came home and actually genuinely wanted to know about my naturally, I told him. Then it was off to pottery class where I finished up four mugs, and successfully threw a large bowl. (My arms are really going to hurt tomorrow though, that was a huge slab of clay!) Then I cam home, and nursed my little Beau right to sleep again, only with a little crying, and now I'm posting this here that was my day. Not too shabby. Tomorrow it's off to celebrate my dad's birthday which I almost forgot! Happy birthday DAD! Love you!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Weekend Trip

Well, last weekend was fun. The whole family trekked over the mountains to go see my MIL graduate from college. Congrats Mom Cherry! (Am I allowed to post a picture of you?) Afterwards, we headed up to the cabin for a graduation party and a family reunion of sorts. We all had fun jamming on instruments and singing songs together. Although, I mostly chased Beau around all day, being his "damage control."
Kevin and I stayed at my cousins house, and her kids have hamsters. (Do you see where this story is going?) So I picked one up, and naturally, Beau wanted to see the thing up close and personal. Before I knew what was happening, (he is lightening quick, I tell you) he was squeezing the tar out of the thing's rear end, and it promptly let out a scream like you've never heard a hamster scream before, and then it bit him. Beau didn't even cry. His face showed only a second of surprise, and then he was onto another thing. But boy did he bleed! We were a little concerned at first that the hamster might be carrying some sort of disease. After hearing that it had bit one of my cousins kids, and she wasn't walking around foaming at the mouth, we assumed he'd be just fine. We dissinfected him, bandaged him up and he was good to go.
The night we got there we headed over to a Tex/Mex restaurant where we became one family's source of entertainment for the evening. The first thing they said when we sat down was, "Where'd the blonde hair come from? The milkman?" Then they proceeded to laugh wholeheartedly as well when they watched Drew take the top off of a pepper shaker and dump half of it into our chips...

We had fun on the way home too. I slept most of the way, arguably the only sleep I got on the trip, ha ha. The best part was stopping at a DQ and getting everyone some cherry dipped cones.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Ariel at I Forgot How Many Weeks

I think it's about time I posted another shot of her...
well here she is!