Wednesday, July 27, 2005

101 Things about Me

I hope this list doesn't put you to sleep...
1. I am a natural blond
2. I dye my hair red the most
3. My sister has natural red hair
4. I have a Bachelors Degree in Fine Art
5. I like to do figure drawings and pottery
6. I've sculpted a little too
7. I hate bronze sculptures
8. I love my mom, she does bronze sculptures, good ones, actually.
9. I love my husband
10. I am content with my life the way it is right now
11. I like to talk about myself
12. I don't like to talk on the phone, unless it's my mom or my sister Hannah
13. I am the oldest of three daughters
14. I hate confrontations
15. I once threw a plate of spaghetti on the floor during an argument with my husband
16. That was when we were newlyweds
17. Being married has made me a better communicator
18. I sometimes have a problem with leaving and cleaving
19. I don't always want to live in Colorado
20. I dream about living by the sea
21. I like to boogie board
22. but I couldn't last time I was in Cali, because I was pregnant
23. That sucked
24. I hope you all laugh when you read this
25. I gave birth both times without any pain meds
26. The second time hurt worse than the first
27. I was not expecting that
28. I was also not expecting my son to be two weeks late
29. I hate hearing people argue
30. My favorite food is still Chinese
31. I have more of a sweet tooth now than I ever did
32. I am a diagnosed hypoglycemic
33. But it's really not that bad
34. I'm undecided about how many more kids I want to have, or if at all
35. I can sing pretty well
36. But I can't dance
37. I love to sleep too
38. I am so white, I'm porcelain
39. I almost blinded myself by my legs this weekend
40. I used to eat worms and dandelions
41. My favorite album when I was 8 was the Police's greatest hits
42. I'm six years younger than my husband
43. I want to learn how to write my own songs
44. I used to play the flute in marching band
45. Gee, that sounds dorky
46. My husband and I waited 6 months before we kissed the first time
47. My mom tried to scare my husband off by telling him I was a fickle pickle and
48. "You're a boy, so I wish you'd just disappear."
49. I used to call myself a hippy when I was in middle school
50. This terribly embarrassed my best friend
51. But we are still best friends
52. If I do have another kid, I really hope I have a girl
53. I would seriously consider adopting a girl from China
54. I love my grandma, but she drives me nuts
55. She calls me to tell me the contents of her refrigerator
56. That's pretty funny now that I think of it
57. I just finished reading Lance Armstrong's It's Not About the Bike, My Journey Back to Life
58. It was good, you should read it
59. I like to watch figure skating
60. I'd rather play football than watch it
61. I like instant gratification
62. But I also like delayed gratification
63. I didn't get along with my middle sister until she went to college
64. Now we understand each other a lot better
65. I have always been really close with my mom
66. I have had the same best friend since 5th grade
67. That is almost 15 years
68. I graduated from a hicktown highschool that I hated
69. I actually dated a jock
70. Not one of my finer moments
71. This is not as easy as I thought it would be
72. I believe my husband's band has what it takes to go big
73. He is the most talented and driven person I know
74. What I love the most about him, is that he pushes me to be a better person
75. And he's pretty good lookin' too
76. I do not think we are alone in the universe
77. I think that people who think we are, are arrogant
78. I have a relationship with God
79. I talk to him like a regular person, but with reverence, most of the time
80. I didn't take my faith seriously until I was probably 18
81. I want to drive a Cadillac Escalade and a Jaguar sports car
82. I worry that I am not a very good mom, and my kids will turn out to be hooligans, or hate me
84. I hope that my relationship with my kids is as good as my relationship with my mom
85. I need to renew my driver's license
86. I have never smoked a cigarette, pot, or gotten drunk
87. I am sometimes curious about these experiences
88. But not enough to try it
89. I am worried about people judging me because I admitted that
90. I think that all churches should get along and not try to compete with each other
91. I am trying to think of something really profound to say
92. I miss my middle sister a lot
93. I don't have any animals
93. I used to have a cat named Attack Unit, A.U. for short
94. I have the world's best in-laws
95. I put nutritional yeast on my buttered popcorn
96. I'm not sure if that cancels out an nutritional benefits it might have
97. I miss going to college
98. I am considering homeschooling my kids
99. But it kind of scares me
100. I want to go to Europe some day
101. I am going to think of a million and one things to add to this list tomorrow...

Funny Sequence of Photos

This is what happens when your husband is a paparazzi and you get tired of smiling for him all the time...

Garden Update

Well, since I said I would, I thought I'd give an update on my "garden business." After planting it, the garden was very much ignored for the next month and a half due to wedding showers and weddings and birthdays and such. It still got watered, thanks to the sprinklers that have to be on from time to time four days a week, and plenty of unseasonal rainstorms. (I got stuck in Wal-Mart during one the other day, but that is another story...) Monday when Allie came by we went out back with the kids who were begging to go outside and I showed her my pathetic little garden all overgrown with the grass I had worked so hard and suffered a migraine to pull out. She just started pulling the grass out, and it was easy as it had just rained the night before, and so I naturally joined her, (Thank you Allison, BTW, I owe you one!) and wallah! my garden was weeded very quickly and looks much better, Yay! My big tomato plant is doing really well, actually, despite early attacks from a worm, however my grape tomato plant suffered a little more, due to the afore mention worm (or two.) It is still alive though. My cucumber plant died within a week, just shriveled up like the wicked witch of the west. Don't know how I could have saved it, since I'm really new at this. My leek plant is doing great- it's huge. But I must confess I thought it would spread out and it is only growing up, so who knows? Not me, obviously. He he. My herbs, I kept in my garden window in my kitchen and they've done great. In fact, my basil grew so much, that last night I harvested enough to make a sufficiently large pot of pesto pasta. I was very proud of myself. I just hope I harvested it right, so more will grow back...

I will post some pics as soon as I take some!

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


I finally figured out how to post pics on my blog without help from flickr. Yeah! So to celebrate, I am posting some pictures of my art. I can't post any recent ones, I need to get permission from my sitters (the people who I've drawn in the nude.) The first one is Jim and Allison of pretending.sanity I did this one at the request of Jim I believe for their 1st? anniversary. Allison will have to correct me if I'm wrong.

Sorry for the poor quality on this one,it is a tribute to all of us nursing mothers out there. It now belongs to my sister Hannah who is a labor and delivery nurse and one day plans to become a midwife.

The third one is a raku fired pot, I dare say one of my best. Can you believe I haven't thrown (made a pot) since I was pregnant with Drew? That amounts to I think over 3 years. Yikes! I need to get back in the saddle.

This last one is one of my favorites probably because it is the most unlike me piece I have done, being that is fairly abstract and not all detail oriented. I call it "Family Portrait".

Some of my pieces are actually up for sale, and I am also taking commissions. So if you like what you see, or see anything you like, and want to buy a piece from me or have me create something for you, let me know and we will work something out!

Monday, July 25, 2005

Weekend, Weather, and Worries

This weekend I celebrated my 26th birthday by going on a much needed camping trip. I can't say that it was restful, because it wasn't- I still had to nurse Beau and that is difficult to do from a sleeping bag. And the moon was quite full and I think I'm a bit of a lunatic. It rained almost all day on Saturday, which was kind of a bummer, but we still had fun. We tossed around a frisbee (and I way overused my right arm) and then we finally went to the Ouray Hot Springs Pool, which was nice. Beau kept on splashing the water without stopping even though it was bugging him too. Then he got fussy and finally ate after a long morning of not eating. And those of you who are nursing, or have nursed know what I'm talking about (boulders for boobs, ouch!) I wonder if implants hurt like engorged breasts? Thinking out loud... Then we had a lovely BBQ steak dinner. My dad can grill 'em like no one else, and my mom makes this yummy herbed butter to melt on top. (Fresh basil and oregano in butter) The campground host made some homemade peach icecream and brought that over for dessert. Then my sister and Jeremiah and Mom and Dad and us all hung around the fire entertaining each other. So yes, overall it was a nice weekend.

Today, Allison stopped by with a birthday present. She knitted me a lovely purple wool shrug, which I will have to get pictures up of soon. (As soon as I figure out how to post pics up here without the help of flickr) Thank you, Allie. It is lovely. I feel special to have it. Now I'll have to find something to wear it with!

Kevin is playing gig over on the other side of the state tonight and I miss him dearly. I don't like to go to sleep without him here. He's like my loyal german shepherd keeping watch over the house and family, so when he's gone, I feel a little insecure and end up staying up really late to compensate. If that makes any sense at all? Wish this house didn't creak so much! But anyways, he's back tomorrow. You know what they say, "Absence makes the fart go Honda!"

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Banana Cream Pie

Banana Cream Pie
Originally uploaded by sarahgrace.
Kev's quote of the week, " Hey this pie looks just like Jeremiah's fro-hawk."

This pie lovingly made by Kevin's grandma, Martha May: Master baker of all things sweet and delicious.

Happy Birthday Old Man

Happy Birthday Old Man
Originally uploaded by sarahgrace.
Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to you, I love you, and I proved it on my blog, Happy Birthday to you!

Hee hee hee. This scrumptious cake came from Coldstone. It is better than it looks.

Kevin is scrumptious, but not from Coldstone. He is better than he looks too, which is pretty darn good, cuz he's a fox!
BTW, Kev officially became an older man on July the 19th.
Happy Birthday, Baby!


Why do perfectly good days get ruined by perfectly irrational fights? And why can't I vent on here and say what I really want to say? Because this is the www and people read this, including people I might be mad at. Oh well. Maybe just venting in a round about way will help me cool off a little. The problem with these fights is that on the surface they seem like something silly or irrational, but underneath there is a lot more than that. Maybe it's just that I've been stuck in the house practically all week long with a boob-magnet and a terrible two year old. Maybe it's that I haven't had a break from them since way before Mother's Day. Maybe it's because I know I wont get a break or even any true understanding unless my husband gets a sex change. Maybe it's because I really am selfish and I just want to spend a whole weekend camping with my family and get away from this house that I've been in all week long. Cleaning, and watering the lawn, and feeding the kids, and making dinner, and balancing the checkbook, and making lunch, and watering the lawn some more, and disciplining Drew, and feeding the boob-magnet, and getting the boob-magnet to stop crying, and getting the older boob to stop crying, or do what I ask him, or be polite, or whatever. I'm reminded of that Amy Grant song, Hats. Why are all these things on my head? Well okay, I vented and I don't feel any better. I think I'm going to call my mom.

Monday, July 18, 2005

I Love, I Love... you Drew.

I went to Denver this past weekend again, and it was yet another trip filled with a ton of conflicting emotions as seems to be the trend for me recently. You can read about my previous trip in the month of April, under "My Crazy Weekend." This time, I don't feel like talking about the ins and outs of my trip. All I am going to say is that it was really hard, with not a lot of fun moments. But here is the funniest moment of our weekend:
Kev was tucking Drew in, and Drew sleepily looked up at my husband, his cuteness prompting Kev to say, "I love you, Drew." And Drew looked back up at Kev and said, "I love, I love the backetball hoop." (s left out on purpose.) And then Kev said, "Yes, but I love YOU, Drew." And Drew said, " I love the backetball hoop!"
Seems Drew has taken a deep liking to all things backetball.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Flouncy Baby

Flouncy Baby
Originally uploaded by sarahgrace.
I added some more wedding shots to my flickr account, althought not very many because I am almost up to my quota for the month and I expect to have some nice pictures coming up before the end of July.
Sorry for the quality on some these pictures, and also I should add that I believe most of these were shot with my mother's camera, most likely by her- except for the one she is in. I'm sorry I don't know who shot that one...

This is Ariel having fun with her poofy slip and Beau. I don't know what made us think of this, but it's a funny picture anyways. Maybe it's an omen to how soon she's going to get preggers. (I would put money on less than a year. He heee, and Drew needs some cousins anyways.)

I will post more wedding pictures in my flickr account when I get them- these were the best for now. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

New Link

Okay, I actually did it right this time! I successfully added a new link to my links, which means I did the html right. Wonders never cease!
The new link: My sister Hannah's new blog, The Random Redhead, which you can view by clicking on her link in my list of links- if that makes any sense!

Monday, July 11, 2005

Monologue for the Stay at Home Mom

My thought for the day was "lit up" by a miniscule phrase I read in an article, but really it's been something I've known, and has been brewing in my mind for quite sometime. Since becoming a stay at home mom, I've become aware of the different stances on the subject. There are those who think being a stay at home mom is the best thing ever and those who think that it's not really a profession to be taken seriously. Along with the latter stance tends to come with the idea that women who stay at home with their children (nurturers) aren't at all powerful or successful... like women in the workplace. I, of course and obviously, disagree with this stance and every once in while feel like voicing my opinion on the subject when faced by silly and stupid comments made by people who happen to agree with that stance. It is part of my wish that these particular people learn and understand just how important, successful, powerful, intelligent, resourceful, and sacrificing we stay at home moms are. Being a nurturer is one of the hardest, but rewarding jobs a woman will ever do. It is a 168 hour work week with no monetary pay, no back scratching, no raises, no giving back, not always a lot of progress, and not a lot of thanks. It is a job that you can never quit or leave. It is a job that will effect your life and the lives of others any which way, depending on how you perform. Being a mother is shaping the lives, minds, and health of future adults. Future people that may even grow up to think that being a mom is not an important or necessary job. Think about where you would be, if your mom chose not to raise you. Think about the famous mothers that have given birth to and raised history shapers like Jesus, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, and Bono, just to name a few.
Being a mother, a stay at home one at that, has made me particularly passionate about the subject (kind of goes with the territory.) What angers me so much about it that these societal views have effected me down to my subconscious. Even though I thought I knew the importance of being a mother, specifically one who chooses to stay home and raise her children, I still had a lot of struggles with feminist ideas that had been thrown at me all my life. Unfortunately, that threw me into a depression- and it took me two years after the birth of my first son to realize that I was important. My job really means something. I really am making a difference in the world, by making a difference in the lives of my children. So having fought so hard to gain this newfound confidence about my place in life, I get a little defensive when somebody, anybody, can't understand why I could "possibly forfeit my life and career to stay at home with the kids." This is my life. They are my career. And by golly, I'm gonna rock at it!

Friday, July 08, 2005

Thought for the Day

You know, I keep on hearing people talk about how it's so "amazing" when a woman is able to be powerful and nurturing at the same time, like the two are so far from each other. To be nurturing is to be powerful. We can change so much more by loving and taking care of people than by trying to wield some weapon of, excuse the word, "bitch" power.

Just my thought for the day...

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Drew Vader

Darth Vader in his Naked Glory
Originally uploaded by sarahgrace.
And finally, for the finale of photos today: my son, who is a Star Wars fanatic donned his Vader helmet one evening sans clothes... hee hee hee

Ball of Bees

Ball of Bees
Originally uploaded by sarahgrace.
So here it is, as promised, the picture of the ball of bees that was gathering in a tree in our backyard. I know it's hard to tell, but that thing is probably about two feet wide and maybe two and half long and I'm not sure how deep. The beekeeper said it was about 4-5 pounds of bees, and that means there were about 10,000 bees in there.

I Need a Hug

Okay, sorry I haven't posted in a while. Last week was kind of a doozy, for lack of a better term. I was busy, but had nothing to do type of week if you know what I mean. I kind of got the post "big event", all my family is gone blues. I particularly miss my sister, Hannah. I had such a good time hanging with her- it was a bummer when she went back home. Plus, Kev and I are still, yes STILL, trying to beat this bug. We finally went to the DR. today to get some prescription help- but low and behold when I got the drugs home I discovered I couldn't take mine because it is secreted in breast milk and not suggested for children under the age of 8. It makes their adult teeth discolored. Lovely, huh? I'm particularly perturbed that the Dr. failed to ask me if I was breast feeding or pregnant, seeing that those were really important things to know if he was to prescribe me this medicine. Hopefully I'll be able to get better results tomorrow when I call back and ask for a relavant prescription.

So speaking of doctors, I thought I'd give a Beau and Drew update. When I took them a couple of weeks ago, (with my sister Hannah) we discovered that at less than 4 months old, Beau weighs in at a whopping,18 pounds! Our jaws dropped when we heard his weight. The sad and funny part, Drew only weigh 9 pounds more. I think Beau will have his revenge on Drew, whether he wants to or not. Ha ha! I'm interested to see how much more he's gained when we bring him in for his four month check up.

Conked Out Pot Belly
Originally uploaded by sarahgrace.

Just Before Bedtime

Just Before Bedtime
Originally uploaded by sarahgrace.

Mommy and Beau

Mommy and Beau
Originally uploaded by sarahgrace.

After Bath

After Bath
Originally uploaded by sarahgrace.
Here is my 18 pounder